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The Business Case for Sustainable Procurement

The purchasing power of government, business, healthcare, and other service institutions is enormous. |Many are discovering there is a business and economic case to instituting sustainable purchasing initiatives, and their organizations are reaping the benefits. When purchasers buy sustainable products from responsible businesses, it fosters innovation and growth, while shifting away from products that harm the environment and human health and have a severe economic cost. Download the complete report.

The Business Case for Green Building

Green building is the process of creating or retrofitting a building through an environmentally- and resource-mindful process, from conception to design and through operations and maintenance. The report describes market trends and projected economic activity resulting from the growth of green building construction and retrofitting, as well as its positive impact on the environment. Download the complete report.

Municipal Primer on Climate Investing

Municipalities have many opportunities to promote ambitious action and policies to help to avoid a climate crisis. One major opportunity is the use of pension funds and investments to advance clean energy investment and fossil fuel divestment. This report lays out options for city and pension fund managers to use their power as investors to accelerate the clean energy transition. Download the complete report.

The Power of Sustainable Purchasing

Procurement of goods and services is necessary for every type of organization, but procurement by governments, large companies, and institutions also resonates throughout our supply chains and beyond. What we buy, and how we buy it, makes a big impact on local communities, the environment, and the economy. By making choices that consider this impact, our buying decisions will resonate positively throughout our supply chains and our world. Read or download the complete report. Download the complete report.

True Cost of Externalities

An economy based on conventional accounting methods, not reflective of true costs, is unsustainable and inefficient. Cultivating a sustainable economy depends on constructive interplay between business and government, and on how each handles externalities within its own operating realms. The scope and shape of public economic policy is largely determined by prevailing business sector goals and strategies. Download the complete report.