White Papers, Business Cases, Case Studies & Polling
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Making the Business Case

These reports and case studies contain clear and compelling business and economic benefits exist for our policy positions. In fact, most of our policy positions include ones that have been painted by others as bad for business. These documents can be used to help educate policymakers and others about how policies based on sustainable principles can be good for all stakeholders, including the planet.

The Business Case for Worker Ownership
  • In the past 30-plus years, the connection between work and reward has frayed. From 1973 to 2016, net productivity rose 74 percent, while the hourly pay of typical workers essentially stagnated — increasing only 13 percent over 43 years.1 One ready solution to this problem is worker ownership, which allows more Americans to share in their companies’ success and build wealth over the long term. It also makes these companies more stable, keeping local businesses open for their customers, employees, and communities. Download the complete report.


American Sustainable Business Council 1worker1vote Testimony: “The U.S. House Small Business Committee Hearing “Challenges and Benefits of Employee-owned Small Businesses”
  • Chairwoman Velasquez, Ranking Member Chabot.  The American Sustainable Business Council and 1worker1vote are pleased to submit this joint testimony for your hearing on the Challenges and Benefits of Employee-owned Small Businesses. Download the complete testimony.